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The Global Unions’ Committee on Workers’ Capital (CWC) is pleased to host a webinar launching its new report, Labour Rights Stewardship: How the World’s Largest Asset Managers Measured Up in 2024, which analyzes of how 10 of the world’s largest asset managers’ stewardship practices in relation to labour rights in 2024.  

The CWC’s new report assesses whether global asset managers like BlackRock and State Street Global Advisors used their leverage in 2024 through proxy voting and engagement to ensure that investee companies are upholding fundamental labour rights. This webinar will highlight the managers’ 2024 proxy voting record on CWC-backed resolutions and their engagements with companies such as Amazon.com, Tesla, Glencore, and more. It will also unpack the recent trend of split stewardship – whereby some asset managers offer differentiated investment stewardship streams for different client bases – and key considerations for asset owners who are committed to integrating ESG in their stewardship practices.  

In addition to reviewing the CWC’s new report, the webinar will discuss practical opportunities for asset owners around the globe to hold their asset managers accountable on ESG stewardship. 

Who is this webinar for? 

Asset owner representatives (including trustees and staff) and trade union officials; other interested participants will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 


December 10
7:00 am - 8:00 am PST

